
Policy-focused fields / Bio-fields (full-fledged type)
Integrated health industry city site that will be a world model for self-sustained growth of human resources and technology

Basic information

Target fieldsBio-fields
Site nameIntegrated health industry city site that will be a world model for self-sustained growth of human resources and technology
Representative institutionNational Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center (NCVC)
Project leader National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center
Laboratory director
Participating institutions (universities, etc.) National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition (NIBIOHN)
National University Corporation Tokushima University, National University Corporation Kobe University, National University Corporation Kyoto University, National University Corporation Osaka University, National University Corporation Shiga Medical University, School Corporation Kobe Pharmaceutical University, Osaka Metropolitan University, General Incorporated Association KENTO Co-Creation Promotion Organization (KCOP)
Participating institutions (businesses, etc.) Eisai Co., Ltd., Inc., Towa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Sysmex Corporation, Nipro Corporation, JSR Corporation, CYBERDYNE, Inc., crossEffect, Inc., CMIC HOLDINGS Co., Ltd., Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Osaka Prefectural Government, Suita City, Settsu City, Mediford Corporation, Mizuho Bank, Ltd., AIR WATER INC., Kowa Company, Ltd., JSPA(Japan Selfcare Promotion Association), The SC approved MUFG Bank, Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Co., Ltd., JCR Pharma Co., Ltd., NEXGEN Co., Ltd., The Research Foundation for Microbial Diseases of Osaka University, Wellier Corporation
Implementation period From FY2020 until the end of March 2030 (planned end)
Site vision The vision is for Kento to achieve health and welfare for the entire community as a bio-community model with community participation. Kento takes the form desired by the community of an ideal town with continued livability. In order to collect health and medical information and seamlessly apply it for the health and welfare of each community member, we will be able to foster awareness as a partner with the same goals as the community by exercising care in regards to personal information and establishing a relationship of trust. However, we cannot provide health systems and cutting-edge medical technology to the community purely through principle. Therefore, the "All-star Research Center" will be established at the core as a research foundation to cover basic technological development and research up through the development of medication, medical devices, etc., for societal implementation (industrialization). Industries from various fields have been called, and the "integrated health industry city site for self-sustained growth of human resources and technological innovation", which encompasses not only medical, but also food, residential environments, energy, etc., will take the lead on the global stage.
Overview A futuristic model for an integrated health industry city will be created in "Kento" in order to realize a resilient society that can overcome refractory cardiovascular disease, refractory cancer, dementia, and emerging/re-emerging viral infections. The "All-star Research Center" will be established. It will be equipped with a next-generation bio-network that allows remote use of cutting-edge devices, data platforms, and AI centers. This will form a bio-community where exemplary researchers from academia and industry can research through cooperation. Post-5G / AI technologies will be developed, and the bio-community will involve community participation and become a world model that can aggregate information on health and medical conditions in the community. An industry city site will be created that can return cutting-edge research to the community in the COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 generations.
Related SDGs ▪ SDG3 Good health and well-being (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages)
▪ SDG9 Industries, innovation and infrastructure (Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation)
▪ SDG11 Sustainable cities and communities (Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable)
▪ SDG17 Partnerships for the goals (Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development)

Site vision

Vision of the ideal future society that the site aims for based on the SDGs (site vision)

This site aims to create a bio-community to realize a resilient society that can overcome refractory cardiovascular disease, refractory cancer, dementia, and emerging/re-emerging viral infections (the four major diseases) that are currently a major societal problem. Therefore, Suita City and Settsu City in Osaka are moving forward with preparations for a system to create Northern Osaka Health and Biomedical Innovation Town (Kento), a completely new site for open innovation that has good transportation access in the Kansai area and that allows real cooperation through an equal partnership of academia, industry, hospitals, the community, and government.

Industry-academia-government-private partnership system
Industry-academia-government-private partnership system

The image of social implementation at the end of the project as a driving goal for the realization of the base vision

Concrete targets for societal implementation have been set as shown below.

  1. A resilient society that can overcome and live with refractory cardiovascular disease, refractory cancer, dementia, and emerging/re-emerging viral infections.
  2. A society equipped with a next-generation bio-network to support resilience in the COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 generations.
  3. A society fully equipped with a system that supports resilience by providing real-life support and management to maintain health.